Friday, March 26, 2010

I have a feeling of impending doom, maybe it's because I got bitch-slapped by my friend in German, or maybe its because, my gay friend has a blog. It's called Oink Oink. I don't know what it's about, but whatever, whatever, I do what I want.

I've learned something very valuable today.... Never take a fat kids cake.....

'Till next time.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aparently I'm a Monkey? And, yet again, my math teacher can go chew off her other pinky...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fifth time the charm?

Brighton High is ridiculous, I had to get on five computers just to use the interweb. I was like five times the charm? And, the Media Center lady started laughing.

In other odd news, my history teacher reminds me of my dad, maybe that's why I don't like him?? I think I have like hands of death when it comes to computers. My computer magically wont connect to the interweb. I was like, hey, I'm gonna look up GaGa pictures, so I did for a while, Mind you this was like 4 A.M because, I couldn't sleep. So, Steve, my computer was like okay. Then after a while he was like, NO! -turns off- and I was like okay, whatever, I'll fix it later. Then, just a few minutes ago, the schools lap top (yes, my school can get sped kids lap tops, but they have to keep cutting art programs),and it was all like nope, I wont show the website you need for your homework.

thus, I am cursed....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Coffee, a somewhat good hair day, Your Computer Might be at Risk, annoying math teacher, threats and a Smith Puget shirt.

I love Brighton, but you wanna know what else I love, possibly more then Brighton? My nine fingered math teacher. Yes, that's right, nine fingers. I think that's really ironic, don't you?

Anyway, she threatened me, so, to be an increadable bitch (or, to be myself) I think, next time she threatens me, I'll threaten her job.... She's a crappy teacher anyway. No one likes the way she teaches.

But, enough about my creepy math teacher, more about the creeper I sit by in English. He always buts into me and my friends conversations, and talks about something unimportant like how he was fixing some EMT book, because it was wrong, and how he's always right. I have no room to talk about being really strang, but this kids a flat out creep-o. He was stalking my friend Alicia and her boyfriend.

But, yes. How is your day Blog? I feel like a zombie, maybe that's why I'm talking to my blog, and thinking it'll talk back. I had a fight with my pillows last night.

Pillows: 868

Shelby: 0

Oh, yeah.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fragment blogs! Thanks kari.

Didn't sleep, finally got to sleep, alarm, snooze. Alram again. Fights with hair, irritated, no text backs. Waiting for cheese wagen. stand sleeping, annoying people at bus stop, glomping, cheered up with a nice hot cup of coffee. Worst ememy, friends girlfriend.

Bells, late to english, pants compliments, sharing coffee, stalkers. Notes in hisstory, almost falling asleep, off to German, probably failed test. Monster zit on chin, pain. Lunch, boring. Almost squished in the hall. Bio, gossip about people, bands, pinching, giggles.

Math, 32/33 on quiz, finally. Asking to do exams early, craving coffee, teacher's a bitch, bad day. To tutorial. Saw grades, scared to go home. Stress.

Don't wanna do it all over again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What do douche bags kids that think they're cool, baseball bats, hearing-a-pin-drop super quiet classes have in common? Brighton High that's what.

Today, on my way into my bio class, I was walking with my friend, and I almost slipped on something. My first thought, "oh, some dumb ass spilled something." I looked at the bottem of my shoe, and what does the substance on the bottom of my shoe look like? If you're thinking Kool Aid, you're very wrong. It looks like, none other then, man juices. yes, man juices.

On the other hand, I had to work with a really annoying girl in German. She freaked out on my over every little thing, because it had to be perfect. Hugs from Sophmore friends made everything better though. Laughing at Dani, threatening Pudge, laughing ass off, ready to start it all over again tomorrow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Things are finally looking up for me, in June. Things are gonna suck til then. But, on June 5th I get to see in my opinion, the greatest band ever AFI, again in Milaukee, and see my frined Amber who lives there. Then on june 11th (the last day of school) threw the 13th, I'm going to Pride Fest, and I hear Jeffree Star is going to be there...? True, maybe.

Anyway, this half-gay emo kid couldn't be more excited. My friend wants to know if she can go too, do I feel like being a jerk....? I don't know how her girlfriend will feel about this... (yeah, I'm a jerk that way, see anger post).

Anywho, stuck in 6th hour for a bit longer, until 11:32. Brighton needs to get their head out of their ass. So, yeah I habe to take C lunch and eat with my "Gay Boy friends" boyfriend, Dustin. I'm not complaining though, he's actually really cool he let's me copy his math homework.

And I lost my train of thought because this computer desided to be a doucher and turn off to update while I was bogging. Techonogy hates me... FML

And I was gonna talk about something really cool too! Damn you computer!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So, Carla decided to rent out the basement again, right? SO, now we have a church going to, country music listening to, Bible thumping creep-o in our basement.Oh, and did I mention, I sleep right above where his stereo is, so country goes threw my floor at night.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate country that much. I just hate that it's like God is great! I don't care if you're Catholic, I don't care what you believe in, but if you force it down my throat I might rip your arm off, and beat you with it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm so glad that a Bible Thumper is Carla's room mate. I just wanna go, "Cerial guy, shut the hell up, no one cares about Jesus Christ in this house." Goo!