Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holy Fuck

Right now, you might be like, "Man, self, I wonder where that crazy pan chick went." Well, I've been everywhere. I've been to the ends of the Earth and back. Not really, unless the end of the Earth is Ann Arbor Michigan. I've met a shit load of new people, who are all so amazing, and to be honest, I've learned so much about everything! It's so great, since I've met all these new people, I've changed so much, but don't worry, my blog won't change. I'll still complain, because the world still sucks eggs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back again

So, just in case you've NEVER read my blog before, my life, it is a bitch. I probably offend like, all of America in this blog twenty times over, all in one sentence. I'm a very anti-religious person, and a high school student. I don't really love high school, but I don't really hate it either.
My family is wonderfuly horrific. I live with my mom, older sister, a chihuahua and whoever feels like staying with us for awhile. Usually it's my Aunt and cosins, with their obnoxiously hyper dog.

How's life going, kid? You might ask. Life is going good for me, but terrible for everyone else (or so it seems). Break ups are in the air.