Thursday, December 16, 2010

This Week in Review

I guess I should be doing this on Sunday, yes? Well, guess what? SKREW SUNDAY. Anyway, minus the masive headache I had prior to my nap, today was pretty good. Except I think I might have hurt my friends feelings, which makes me kind of want to die alittle, because he's one of the sweetest people I've ever met. He's kinda like the brother I've never had. And, if I did hurt his feelings I'd probably apoligize so much that he's want to punch me in the face. But, I don't think he would punch me, or anyone.
ANYWAY, this week has been so great! I graduated from my leadership class, oh, how I miss all those kids. It's called Reaching Higher and I highly recamoned it. To be brutally honest, it kind of saved my life, and (not to sound corny) but I made life long friends in that class. It's quite funny actually, because, I couldn't tell you most of their last names, but the conection we have with each other is increadable. It blows me out of the water (metophorically, obviously).
Now that that's over, let's get started, shall we?
Monday we didn't have school, so I pretty much layed in bed all day, because the roads were shit. But, when my sister got home, we went to Novi to buy vegan cheese. My sister and my friend Ashley are vegan, and they don't sell vegan cheese where I live.
Tuesday I sat threw my classes and listened to the cheerleaders and everyone else, like I usually do. Found out that my friend's boyfriend was dropping out of school, and leaving the state, because he's 18 and got my 15 year old friend pregnent. That's why I'm not reproducing. Well, I can't stand babies either, I think if I was to be a mom, it'd be best if I actually liked babies.
I can't even remember Wednesday, even though it was yesterday. I know I came home from school and went straight to bed.
We made wrapping paper in GSA today (is it just me, or does that sound like a magazine?) I got paint on my shoes, pants and sweatshirt. But, our wrapping paper came out pretty amazing. And, it was really fun to make. When I got home I let my dog out, then went on the computer, my mother came home, and made me help her with the plans for Christmas dinner, I fell asleep, and that brings us to here.
I can't wait to see what happeneds tomorrow, but in the meantime, I'll leave you with these:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello There

I come to you from my first hour. UGH! That's all I have to say about that. Some girl is complaining about a little Freshmen girl. Does it really matter? I mean, come on! If you didn't spread rumors about her, she wouldn't freak out and make you go to pure mediation. Oh high school, fuck you. *southern old lady accent* bastards.
I probably should be doing my German homework, but I'm a lazy sack, and I'm getting sick from Friday. Oh Friday..... How I loved that day.
So, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was fabulous. I went to a Bad City concert on Friday, ended up going to sleep at three on Saturday morning, then later I went to my friend Lauren's house and we played Rummicube I think that's what it's called. But, anyway, then we (Abby, Ashley and I) went to Emily's to pick her up. Then, headed home. Kari joined shortly after. On Sunday, Kari and Ashley go tattoos, and of course I went with them. Yesterday, there was no school because the roads were (and still are) complete shit. Kari, Ashley and I went to Novi to get vegan cheese for vegan pizza purposes. I went home and wrote a paper, and attacked my binder with stickers, actually, I put three stickers on my binder that the tattoo artist gave me, and two that I got from the Bad City show.
So, needless to say, it was the best weekend of my life.....So far.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the world coming to?

You know everything's going to shit when you hear about poeple wanting to "hang gays." Yes, I do fall under the "gay" calagory, but you want to kill someone for being what they are? They're made the same as you, they're red on the inside, they hurt, and bleed, and love the same as everyone else, so why would you want to kill them?
An estimate of 6 million gay people commit suicide in one year.
It really is a sad day in the world when people want to kill each other over sexual orientation.