Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bleh, work Friday, and, I WILL GO THIS TIME! Last week I took a sleeping-aidy thing, and slept through my alarm. Oops, my mom was so pissed.

But, yeah. I'm trying to be vegitarian, that's hard when your family's meatitarian, and, your dad makes meat EVERY night for dinner. So far I've eatin romen all day.

Boo yah.

Monday, August 3, 2009

^ that's not where I wanted it to be but, I don't feel like messing with it, so, that's Buster.
Ah, yes, I love sitting around doing nothing. Acyually, I'm not doing nothing, I'm breathing, listening to music (as always), typing terrabley (the usual), and, watching my dog sleep. I would put a picture of my dog (Buster) on here, that's not crap, but, my camera disided to take a crap on my. Thank you tecnolagy, I hate you too.

In other random news, I have a busy weekend, I know, it's amazing. On Saturday, I have to go to my uncles wedding, on Sunday there's a church momorial for my grandma, yay, church. :(

I'm glad my computer's so slow, it's awesome. You know what's weird? Until last year I spelled awesome without the "e," so it was "awsome." Yeah, I know I'm retarded-like.... I feel like tacos....