Friday, February 26, 2010

New blog post! I was gonna do this in my sixth hour, but like everything and most people, the computer I was using desided to be a douche.

You know somethings wrong when you walk into your dad's house and see a bunch of dead stuffed things on the wall. My dad's living room/dining room is home to 3 dead stuffed deer, 2 dead stuffed pigs, and 2 dead fish. I almost vomited screamed and cried all at once. Plus my Carla lame friend lives in our basement again. Ew, he's so gross, and me and Kari have to share a bathroom with him. I wish Carla wasn't such a pussy. Maybe them he's say no. Grow a pair man! *beats head against wall*

In other news, I think I pissed my "friend" off again, but there's nothing new there.
Bleh, fuck my life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Them there NASCAR fans are so annoying.

I don't know, thought I'd start my blog with something interesting. I'm doing my German homework. Or rather my late German homework and listening to My Immortal by Evanescence.

Huzzah. My teacher just bit my head off for not turning in my planner, this class is so easy. I have a B+, and she was all like HISS HISS. Yeah, I'm a bit tired and cranky, so this is all you get none-readers.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

60th post! Yay! Arms are still killing, barly able to carry backpack. It makes me have a sad.

I found Sadie hair in my food today, maybe it was someones eyelash. That would irk me. A lot. Stupid cafiteria food.

Anyway, I'm jamming to Lady GaGa, because i'd hit that. And, blowing off my history homework, because I can finish it tomorrow in the class. I like history, but the class irritates me, all we do is sit and listen to a lecture. I usually listen to my iPod, secretly of course. My history teacher printed out a progress report because I got a 16.0 on my last internet-questy-thing out of 34. But, I almost always get a B on the tests.

I however am failing Algebra, only missing 3 things. I can't stand math.

On a must more depressing note, did Hunter delete his blog?! I can't find it! Anti-win!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hurray! Painkiller induced grogg blog!

Yeah, I just got three shots in my arms (yes, arms). Never again will you trick me into seeing you, you stupid doctor!

I'm currently sitting on my bed with Sadie, who was staring out the window, until of course she went all lead anchor and fell on my leg. And is not yawning in my general derection, and her breathe smells like fish. I told her she should get that checked out.

The weather is, well Michigan weather. Yesterday it was 5, now it's like -5, and snowing. Snowing, a lot. Sadie is sitting pretty with her paws crossed and staring out my lyric-covered window.

My arm feels like its being cut off little by little, and no one's texting me back, so, I'm gonna go play the Sims. 'Cause I'm a nerd.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

So, in the past 24-ish hours, I want from, happy, to sad, to hurt, and ended up really pissed off. Wow..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Greetibgs, again. Today I'm going over to Dani's. I feel like kind of a douche though, because I'm not going to Emily's party though. Her girlfriend's gonna be there though. So, yeah. Me and Dani might pass out fliers, ever though it's really fucking cold. I have to pee really bad. Isn't that great?

S, scatter brained today. So tired.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Greetings from sixth (so used to putting fourth, damn) hour. I'm listening to Too Shy To Scream. One of my favorite AFI songs off Crash Love. The kid that's sitting next to me was just staring at me I think. He's just jealous, because, I
'm wearing the coolest shirt in the world. Yesterday, we had a snow day, do to, well, snow. It was really funny, my mum called me after I got out of the shower and was like, "I got the call." "Uhm, okay?" "Do you know what that means?" "Yeah, no school tomorrow." "Mum, i love you." "Why, what's do tomorrow that you didn't do?" "Nothing! GAWD!"

My mother is so trusting. But, "Wochtag" as declared by my Friend Dirker (Derker? I donno). I got birthday candy.... I'm satisfied, for now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today is a rather sleeping day in the town of Brighton. No school, so that means most of my friends are still sleeping, with the exeption of two-ish.

Happy Birthday Em. I have no idea what I'm gonna get you because I don't have money.

So, I started growing flowers, thinking well, maybe my room wont be so dull now. It's even duller now. Fuck!

Anywho, fare thee welll.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ah, yes. The falling out.

Apparently, I'm a monster, and a bad friend, because, you know me I always have bad ideas, and drag everyone down with me. In other words I've fallen from my "best friends" good grace, because, she is holier then thou. And, the bast thing is, the fight was all over a girl. Yes, that one girl, that she probably thinks I'm going to steal away from her, even though I don't want to be the rebound girl again, yeah, I don't like being used.

So, yes, needless to say, my weekend was fan-fucking-tastic. My camal is still pissed. Everytime I see them both it feels like I'm thrying to ingest bolders.

So, Carla, about that vacation you won....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today, I am a prostitute. Let me refrase that. Today, I am a freakishly tired prostitute, with pink eye none-the-less.

My electric socks aren't so electric tooday. I'm trying to focus myself on my math homework, but my brain feels like moosh, and i almost spelled my name wrong. Last night I stayed at Peanut's with kari.

We woke up really early to watch the Beautiful Theives, damn you MTV. My teacher tells me I should do my history homework, even though it's do Monday (Montag), so I don't have to do it until 10 o'clock Sunday night.

My phone, Jeffree keeps comitting suicide. He's falling out of the pocket of my sisters sweat shirt that I theifed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy neon day!

Don't ask, its spirit week at my school. Don't get me wrong, I still completely and totally dispise my school, but, what am I gonna do?

So, my best friend is getting her phone taken away, so now I have no one to text everyday. Which is gonna be no fun at all.

But, in other news, tomorrow is Occupation Day. I personally am going as a hooker. They said go as someone getting ready for work. So, if they ask me who I am, I can just say my step-aunt, Katie (at least I think that's her name).

Winter Fest is on Saturday, if anyone cares. Only 25 people have bought tickets, because so many people were grinding and all that good horse shit, now if you get caught you get thrown out by Officer Douche Bag. I don't know his name either, but I heard he's a real doucher.