Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some blogs

Well, today I spent a good chunk of my day listening to my Chihuahua bark his fool head off, eat some soup (that was divine!), then figure out then soup bowl had a crack in it, so there's a good chance I could have Ebola, and start bleeding from my nose, mouth, ears, ect by tomorrow (I hear this also happeneds when you read the Twilight books, silly Mormans). Anyway, I'm actually going to try and STAY on topic, isn't that dorbs? But, my blog falls between a lot of blogs about "finding" Jesus. But, I never knew he was lost. I should draw an MS Paint drawing of the Pope, and make him be yelling at some one like, "YOU LOST HIM?! HOW DO YOU LOSE JESUS?! HOW DO YOU LOSE A PERSON?!"
I don't know about you, but if I was God or Jesus, I'd be SO pissed, cos people keep putting words in my mouth, I'd be like, "You know what dude, go screw your dad, yeah, that's right, because it's okay to do that, but it's not okay to be gay."
That was an extremely run on sentence. If I were to show this to my english teacher, she would shoot me, and not just for the run on sentence, she's a Christain.
So, right now my office (which is the love seat in my livingroom), is covered with blank cds, my blog notebook, starburst wrappers and empty water bottles. Yes, that's how messy I am. And, if you think that's bad, you should see my room.
So, I resently added more in/after school activities to my list. Ha, list. So, now I'm in a program called Reaching Higher. Despite the name it actually sounds really cool. It's a leader ship class, so you get to learn how to be an all around better person, and pretty much put yourself in other people's shoes. So, we shall see how it plays out, yes?

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