Thursday, October 21, 2010


Does any one really, I mean REALLY know what goes threw a cheerleader's head?

1 comment:

  1. "Like, OMG lets totally go to the mall and, like, get some designer shoes and, like, a couple of new Coach bags and, like, maybe we could pick up some cute guys at, like, Holister, and, like, we could get some burgers at, like, Wendy's or something, but not, like, McDonalds cuz I'm, like, on a diet because I'm, like, so fat I can barely fit into my new mini dress. It's, like, blue and stuff and it's really cute and it was only, like, $200 but I still need to, like, get some matching jewlery because all the stuff I have now is, like, totally out of season. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!"

    It hurt to type that, but I'm pretty sure that's what goes through the "minds" of most cheerleaders.
