Saturday, January 8, 2011


As you all know (or don't) I went on vacation to Florida, my sister and I, or rather my sister, drove down. I am not sitting in an office chair in a shitty hotel room, in Atlanta. That was a lot of "ins" yes?

Well, anyhoodles, I think I heard chewing coming from the corner or my hotel room. But, really, this room is so sketchy. It has one king sized bed, a TV, a mini fridge, and all the other shit that nobody needs. I don't really need a TV in my hotel room, I'm not really a TV person.

Anyway, story time. My sister and I slept in her car last night, when it was about 15degrees out. We had a sleeping bag, and two little blankets. Needless to say, it sucked ass. We got two hours of sleep, and then started on the road again. In Kentucky. I hate Kentucky. I also hate Ohio.

Anyway, we went back to sleep at a different rest stop in Kentucky, and slept for like, three hours.

We drove threw Kentucky today, and Tennessee, and now we're in Atlanta (I know, I already said that, oh well) I'm almost lying in an office chair with my legs on a desk, and my feet on the wall. Time to watch "Wipe Out," I love watching epic fails.

1 comment:

  1. When I was going through Kentucky on the way to my cousin's grad party, I noticed something unusual. There seems to be no dirt in Kentucky, just rocks and plants that somehow manage to grow on top of the rocks. Please tell me you noticed this too!
