Thursday, May 27, 2010

Looking at all these beautiful blogs, that have like a BUZILLIAN followers that are about nothing! How come I don't have many followers? :( eh, oh well. Life goes on, as we know it. Or, as I know it rather. I'm sitting in sixth hour, about to die because my foot is asleep, it hurts.... That IS what she said.

I find myself blowing off my homework again....shit. I also find myself wishing Mat Devine would update.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello all. Okay, had to respell hello like eight time, because I spelled it wrong. I HATE THIS KEYBOARD LIKE NO OTHER!! Then, when I tried to type that, everything got highlighted and turned blue, and then I pressed back space cos I wasn't paying attention and everything was deleted.... HEAD DESK! If you have big fingers, don't get a Net Book. My hands aren't even that big! I just imagined Jade Puget using one of these. I think he would die...... Maybe....

Anyhoodles, grave yard walking tonight, trying to research something on someone in the cemetery. Can't focus because of one of the French classes. They sound like hyenas on laughing gas that are screaming from being- I don't even know...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sitting in first hour, yes, first! English, and my teachers a real bitch :(. She also thinks everyones working, looking around, I see people playing pinball,on Microsoft Paint, and a few good kids actually working.

I on the other hand am blogging, I'd rather wait to rot my brain at home. i think some one's making stick people porn. Now, that's messed up....

In my other adventures, it's supposed to be 74 degrees today. I mean that's a pretty good temperature, right? Maybe not for California, but for Michigan that's pretty warm. Not for May though, I think.

Anyway, my aunt's getting married in a week-ish. We've gone shopping, and done more shopping, and even more shopping. Her dress isn't too fancy, but her fiance is wearing jeans and a tee shirt. But, whatever flouts your goat.

I'm kinda ecxited for the wedding, not because it's a wedding, but because I get to see my aunt's fiance's dogs, Fancis and Hunter. And his cats, Fat Cat and Skinny Cat. How creative, right?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello fellow bloggeriams.

I am currently listening to Lady GaGa, and picking at my nails, and chewing gum that tastes like year old Spearmint. Does Spearmint go bad? Anyway, Dear Stride, the flavor of your gum doesn't last all that long. Sing, Shelby.

Nothing really interesting has happened this week or weekend. I was reading Mat Devine's blog. But that's pretty much it. I sat around playing video games all weekend too. My friend Maddi was supposed to come over, but her mom wouldn't let her. :(

In other news, I slept like shit last night, I have this thing with my legs, if they don't move for a while, they start to hurt. Like, that dull pain kinda hurt. So, I pretty much have to get up and walk around, does anyone know what that's called? Whatever it is, I curse it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hola! Hi! Hello! G'day! uhmmmm.... Yeah....

I'm kinda really happy, but not. I went to the art fair today. It was amazing! Like, really amazing! I wish I'd gotten some pictures! But, my teachers being a jerk and not letting me go back. I only got to go once, but my friend gave me a piece of glass. Broken glass, everywhere! Haha..... Anyway, I had two tests in a row today! I should get to go damnit! Oh well.
Until next time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today, we/I will be talking about "it's not my problem."

My sixth hour teacher was trying to get my to sympathize about my English teacher and how much of a bitch she's been. This is how the convo went down,

Teacher: she's had a very rough couple of years.
Me: so have I.
Teacher: I know you have.
Me: she needs to find a way to deal with it. Because, it's not my problem.

We were looking at my grades and I have an "E" in English. Yes, I am failing my native language. And the whole time I was just thinking, "Eh, that teacher can suck it."

Anyway, I'm on Davey Havok project day two. I'm pretty much just sitting around reading AFI quotes. It's very.

I wrote HIM lyrics all over my pants, mixed in with some Turbo Negro, Tokio Hotel, and AFI too. My math teacher was like, "why are you writing all over your pants?" and I almost said, "I don't think I should have to explain my art to you." Or something like that, from Empire Records, like, the best movie in the world!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Greetings Earthlings....

I'm sitting around in sixth hour, it's pretty great. My whole body hurts because I pulled like 102-579t6437409736t7843i muscles in the car on the way home from Pentwater well being slept on by a Shake-Man-Zilla. And, yes. I am aware there is an "I" and a - in there.

Anyhooldes, I'm looking up Davey Havok quotes for my English project. Found some pretty funny ones. Maybe I'll post them up later. Eh, who am I kidding? No I wont.

Friday, May 7, 2010

As promised, but alittle late.

Fuck, now I forgot what I was gonna say.... I hate the shift keys on these computers. They're like men! They on do what you want them to do HALF the time.

So, I have this friend, and this friend has a friend who's in a thigh spot, and this friend of a friend wont talk to my friend, or anyone. Anyone know how to cheer up this friend of a friend?

Anyway, yesterday I was SUPER exited cos I though I could get my nose pierced, spoiler alert: Isn't happening. Ever.

Spoiler alert: Snape kills Dumbledore (did I spell it right?)

For more news, check the county blog.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So, I have lots of news, and no time to share, kay, maybe i ahave some time. Imma scared my teacher's gonna eat me. So, more later. Promise.