Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow, I'm glad my High School is so boss. I just got all new classes, except English, the only teacher I don't like I'm stuck with for, about another 18 WEEKS. Fuck my life.

So, yeah. I was all exited because my computer worked again, yet, oh how wrong I was. Someone hacked my computer and killed my hard drive. I don't even think they make hard drives for my computer anymore, it was made in like 2001. Goo! The planet is against me AGAIN.

Anyway, I did fairly well on my exams, I'm not really sure about math and bio yet. I hope I did well, if I didn't my dad's going to kill me, execution style. Or crucify me. Either or. But, that's okay, I think I'm gonna move in with my mom for a while, or maybe if Emi's 'rents love me enough they'll let me stay there for a bit. Until my dad gets used to the fact that, yeah i do in fact like girls, because most guys are dicks. And only nice to look at.

In other news, I have a class with my gay friends but pirate(boyfriend?) I don't know what to call him yet. I don't think they know what to call each other yet, I'm not even sure I'm suposed to know about this yet, because, yet again, no one tells me anything. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth with these kids to get something out of them.

Anyhoodles, I'm sitting in my sixth hour, because my schedule got all fucked up, like that guy who hit the guard rail by my house last night ( But, that's a whole other story. So, if anyone cares I'll be posting form my sixth hour instead of fourth.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah..they don't tell me anything unless it's life threatening or whatever...=/ I'd tell you a lot if I knew. Anyway, I'm sure Mum and parental unit won't mind if you stay :D Just don't get in trouble with the Popo and we'll be ok
