Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Fourth hour teacher loves me, she gave me candy.... So, now I'm sitting at my little desk munching on a Snickers, even though it was cut in half, and the part of my wrapper only have the Snick part.

Exams are in a week, do you know what that means?! No more updates for a week! Yay! Not really. I'll be so bored! exams make me want to punch babies, or commit suicide. or, better yet, both.

My teacher's cleaning out her cabinet and she found rock hard marshmallows, when she was dumping them in the garbage it sounded like Jaw Breakers, that's what I thought they were.

I'm blowing off my bio homework.

Yesterday, when I was driving home with my sister, we say a swan, I was like "What the fuck, you fucking swan? It's the middle of winter, what the fuck are you doing here?! What the fucks wrong with you?!" yeah, I say fuck a lot, and i was really uber tired too, so it was bad. Peanut stepped on my shoe and it went flying into the snow, so I was walking around shoeless for a bit.

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