Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alright, so I haven't posted in a while. Don't worry I have some pretty cool reasons why. Well, first there's the letter that doesn't like to work, mt sister ate food at her computer, and got a crumb under the "g". Now it only works sometimes.
In sadder news, my gram's dog died, my sister woke me up at eleven o'clock p.m, crying her eyes out over the dog and, asked me for a hug. Then after saying sorry, about two hundred times, I tryed to get back to sleep. No luck. Tomorrow, I'm going to the Holocaust museum, heard it was boring, but I kinda wanna go. My dad's complaining about my grades again, and making my go to conferences. That means I get to space out well my dad and creepy science teacher talk about my future. Sounds interesting, right?

1 comment:

  1. I be saddened bout teh puppy, but I offer good news...Chu be my buddy friend :3 (Actually, that's probably really depressing XDD) Anyways Shelbert, Mr.Fagner can go screw his twin and leave chu arone.
